The Sheep Finally Complain...a little
Churches look more and more like the world to bring in the numbers. Is it working?
(Does Ed Young have on pink shoes?)
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Churches look more and more like the world to bring in the numbers. Is it working?
(Does Ed Young have on pink shoes?)
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11:05 AM
Ed Young's shoes are not pink, you are just seeing the bottom on his dress shoes as both feet are slightly pointed up.
It seems that sex sales these days. What will they come up with next?
Well. That was weird.
Lin, you've heard me say it before: We don't have "church" anymore. We have a temple system.
Brandon, so the bottoms are pink? :o) Just kidding!
Scott, Yes you have and I am seeing it more clearly every day...unfortuantly.
I think it is hilarious! I wonder if these same people who took the time to call the church and complain also called their local television and radio stations, the movie theaters, and magazine publishers, to complain about the content of their mediums. Sex is everywhere, and to ignore it is irresponsible. If the church does not teach the proper context of sexuality, who will? Cinemax? Cosmo? Yes, I guess they will. We should not leave the teachings of biblical, responsible sexuality to the world.
Should we move to petition for the removal of the Song of Solomon from the canon? I'll second the motion--that's just not proper for the church to read :>)
We all know Jesus talked non stop about sex. He was very concerned that people have great sex inside of marriage. It was the mainstay of his ministry.
Paul urged the churches to discuss this constantly. It is all over the NT.
(sarcasm intended)
I get it, Lindon, but doesn't sexuality have its place in the Christian life? Are we supposed to just close our eyes and hope for the best?
No one appreciates the spiritual gift of sarcasm more than I, but sarcasm aside, what is the church supposed to do? Ignore it?
Jason, Imagine your spouse whom you have pledged to love in sickness and in health is diagnosed with a terminal condition or at least a debilitating disease and beomes an invalid incapable of having sex.
Wouldn't a sermon or focus on your sex life from the pulpit be just the very thing you need in your walk with the Lord during that time?
Even though that may never happen to you think of the Wurmbrands. he was rotting in a communist prison for years for preaching the gospel. I am sure he and his wife Sabina were extremely concerned about their sex life instead of being tortured as martyrs of the faith.
Or even the underground Chinese church...I am sure sermons on sex are real popular since they are not even allowed to have bibles that are not state sanctioned. I mean why not risk your life to hear a sermon about having a great sex life?
Or perhaps, if we focus on an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior, these things work themselves out as we grow closer in fellowship with our Lord.
The problem is not that the church ignores sex while it is all around us. The problem is ignoring Christ.
Sorry about the sarcasm. I really weep over what is happening to the church in the West.
Lindon, I don't see how the Western church would be wise to allow such a small percentage of people determine what is taught in church from week to week. Should the church not have a softball team, for fear of offending people in their congregation who are confined to a wheel chair? Should we not read the Bible aloud, for fear of offending the blind?
Certainly the issue of sexuality might seem trite to our brothers in countries where the church is persecuted, but again, we have our own battles to be fought here in the West. For example, the battle for families and marriages. The church in America is plagued with marital problems. Many couples in America have an unhealthy understanding of sexuality within their marriage. I know of several couples in the town where I live--normal, everyday people, who believe it is perfectly acceptable to "swap" wives on a regular basis. I have know deacons who suffer with an abnormal sex life, because no one has ever told them how to romance their wife. Granted, some of the examples in your video are inappropriate because they are going for the shock value, just trying to fill seats, but there is a great need in the church today to talk about sex. It is vital.
"Lindon, I don't see how the Western church would be wise to allow such a small percentage of people determine what is taught in church from week to week."
What are you talking about? What else is there to teach but the scriptures?
" Should the church not have a softball team, for fear of offending people in their congregation who are confined to a wheel chair? Should we not read the Bible aloud, for fear of offending the blind?"
Quit being silly. The wheelchair person will definitly be left out of a sermon on good sex, though. Sad. But they don't go to ballgames to hear the Word.
"Certainly the issue of sexuality might seem trite to our brothers in countries where the church is persecuted, but again, we have our own battles to be fought here in the West. For example, the battle for families and marriages."
Yes. Our battle is that there are unregenerated hearts sitting in the pews who think they are saved and are not. It is so sad. Our battle is that we are so rich and so bored that we WANT sermons on good sex. The church of Laodicea. He is going to SPEW it out, friend.
"The church in America is plagued with marital problems."
True. Because we have brought the world and it's thinking into the church. And we have been doing it so long we do not even recognize it.
" Many couples in America have an unhealthy understanding of sexuality within their marriage. I know of several couples in the town where I live--normal, everyday people, who believe it is perfectly acceptable to "swap" wives on a regular basis."
They need salvation not a sermon on good sex. They are lost. On their way to hell. Do we love them enough to tell them that? Eternity in hell? That they must repent and have faith in Christ?
" I have know deacons who suffer with an abnormal sex life, because no one has ever told them how to romance their wife."
I do not even want to know how you know this but it does show how much of the world we have brought into the church that he would even admit this to people. I am not even sure what a 'normal' sex life is. Is there a chart in the Bible I missed on that?
I cannot imagine how Christianity was able to grow over land and sea for 2000 years without good sex sermons. How in the world did that happen?
Jason. I don't know you but I care about you. I tell you this in love: Grow UP. And get away from the 'deacon' you just mentioned and pray for God to lead you to some spiritually mature men. And prayerfully get into the Word.
Thanks Lin, for your admonition for me to grow up. You are probably right--I need to grow up for sure.
I am perplexed that you seem to be ignoring one of the great books on sex in the history of man--the Song of Solomon.
The deacon-friend I mentioned does not need me to get away from him and find more mature people to hang out with--that would be selfish of me. He needs encouragement, and a brother to come alongside him. Surely you don't suggest that we leave less mature believers behind so we can sit around together and read JC Ryle, as enticing as that sounds.
Teaching the whole counsel of God means teaching all of the Bible, even the parts that make us feel uncomfortable. But I suppose that we may just have to agree to disagree.
Jason, I am in no way ignoring Song of Songs. Your Deacon friend can read it, right? I have heard quite a few sermons on SofS. Paul Washer refers to it quite a bit.
You can't swing a dead cat these days without hitting some 'Christian' book or seminar on marriage. It is quite the money maker. It is all the rage. There is literally a ton of information out there on this subject. Most of it pop psychology, of course, but it is available.
So please quit acting like this is some vital doctrine that has been left out of the gospel. It isn't.
Here is the bottom line for men: Love your wife as Christ loved the church. Now, the question becomes how did Christ love the church? Study it deeply.
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