29 July, 2007

Bold Missions At McDonalds

During our nightly bible study, my 6 year old daughter relayed an incident that took place while climbing around in the McDonald’s Playland maze that evening.

She was climbing up into the maze and came across two kids arguing over who is the boss. She said, "Mom, I just sat there and listened to them argue over and over about who was boss. They finally looked at me and I said, 'Jesus is boss over EVERYBODY!' "

I asked her if they said anything in return but she sighed and said they just went down the slide.

Then she asked me the most important question of all: “Mom, was that kinda like being a missionary?”

You bet.


gmommy said...

Way to go Reagan!

Corrie said...

How sweet! What a wonderful story! Yes, she is certaily a budding missionary. How we need people like her to speak the truth!